The following Terms and Conditions of Sales ("Terms and Conditions") apply to all transactions between Avanti Destinations LLC ("Avanti Destinations") and the purchaser and/or traveler ("Traveler") or the Traveler's representative ("Travel Agent"), who agree to be bound by such Terms and Conditions of Sales when the traveler accepts the arrangements provided to traveler by payment of the Land Deposit see Section 2.5.





Avanti Destinations recommends all travelers see their physician prior to booking and at least 6 weeks before departure in order to ensure all necessary health precautions have been taken. Some vaccinations require more than one dose with a period of weeks between injections.

In some cases, the nature of a destination that Avanti Destinations offers may be unsuitable for those who use a wheelchair or who have a lack of mobility. Requests for special accommodations and services to meet specific physical requirements - such as wheelchair-accessible rooms, tours, or transfers - must be made at the time of booking (prior to the initial payment) and require the submission of a completed Special Mobility Needs Form detailing the limits of mobility and a description of any mobility-assistance devices. Failure to correctly submit this information may result in a disruption of service and/or increased cost to the traveler. Accommodation and service requests are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. Further, Avanti Destinations cannot accept responsibility for the standards of the facilities requested, as The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is only applicable within the borders of the U.S. Standards of hotel, tours or transfer facilities for individuals outside U.S. borders are governed by local country regulation and vary country to country.




Provided full payment has been received on time and registration completed electronic travel documents will be sent no later than 4 weeks prior to departure once all services are confirmed. Upon request or if there are physical documents included in the itinerary, a Deluxe Document Package will be mailed to the agency of record's street address. Avanti Destinations must be notified 60 days in advance of the travel date if travel documents should be mailed to a different street address than the agency of record, such as the Travel Agent's home office or directly to the traveler. Once travel documents have been sent, any costs incurred due to shipping address changes will be the responsibility of the traveler. Avanti Destinations is not responsible for lost or stolen physical documents; therefore, any re-issuance of documents may be assessed at their full face value and may include an increase in cost.

Expedited delivery requests will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday - Friday. Please note there are no Saturday or Sunday deliveries of physical documents.


Avanti Destinations is not responsible for missed or unused services for reasons including, but not limited to, flight delays, weather, traveler injuries or illness, strikes, or other unforeseen circumstances including Travel Advisories issued by various governments as these may necessitate changes to the accommodations and itinerary or even trip cancellation. Travelers must accept the risks involved in travel to any country that may experience security difficulties and must accept responsibility for their own travel decisions.

Without appropriate Travel Protection, the Traveler understands and agrees that if the Traveler cancels or interrupts Traveler's travel for any reason, portions of the trip/tour may not be refunded, and Avanti Destinations' and partner's cancellation penalties will apply resulting in the loss of monies up to the full value of the Traveler's booking and related costs. The purchase of Travel Protection is not required to purchase any other product or service offered by Avanti Destinations. Employees of Avanti Destinations are not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about benefits, exclusions, and conditions of any of the insurance offered, nor evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured's existing insurance coverage. An additional charge applies for Travel Protection selected.

Without appropriate Travel Protection, the Traveler understands and agrees that if the Traveler cancels or interrupts Traveler's travel for any reason, portions of the trip/tour may not be refunded, and Avanti Destinations' and partner's cancellation penalties will apply resulting in the loss of monies up to the full value of the Traveler’s booking and related costs. The purchase of Travel Protection is not required to purchase any other product or service offered by Avanti Destinations. Employees of Avanti Destinations are not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about benefits, exclusions, and conditions of any of the insurance offered, nor evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured's existing insurance coverage. An additional charge applies for Travel Protection selected.


Avanti Destinations is the tour operator. Avanti Destinations and its directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, and partners act only as agents for the traveler as purchasers of these packages in making and securing arrangements for hotel accommodations, transportation, sightseeing, restaurants, and/or any other services related to the itinerary based solely on information provided to Avanti Destinations at the time of package purchase. The tickets, coupons, tariffs, rules, or contracts currently in use by any carrier, hotel, restaurant, or any other contractor providing service shall constitute the sole contract between such contractor and the traveler.

Avanti Destinations and its directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, and partners are not responsible for errors and/or omissions contained in its brochures, on-site conditions or actions of the package providers, and health conditions or events of the traveler(s), nor accept no responsibility for any damage, delay or irregularity, expense, or liability arising from acts of God, natural disasters, fires, acts of government or other authorities, mandatory quarantine, wars, civil disturbances, riots, acts of terrorism, strikes, thefts, incidents at sea or with land or air travel, epidemics or pandemics, sickness, pilferage, labor dispute, machinery breakdown, weather conditions, defect in any vehicle of transportation, or for any misadventure or causality and other similar acts or incidents beyond their ability to control.

Any and all losses and expenses will be borne by the traveler, the tour rates being only for the time period and places specified. All accommodations, services, and facilities are subject to the laws of the countries in which these accommodations, services, and facilities are provided. Avanti Destinations reserves the right to cancel or change itineraries and substitute services without notice and to decline to accept or retain any traveler at any time.

The individual traveler and/or purchaser, by acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, agrees that Avanti Destinations and its directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, and partners shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity, liability, or expense to person or property due to any act or default of any hotel, carrier, restaurant, company, or person providing or rendering any of the services included in the itinerary.

By applying the Land Deposit and prior to participation in any travel program, accommodations, tours, or air or land travel acquired from Avanti Destinations, the traveler acknowledges, agrees, represents, and warrants:

  1. The traveler represents and warrants they have checked the latest travel information on a daily basis prior to and during any travel, including but not limited to (a) the most recent guidance and protocols issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Federal Government including but not limited to the U.S. State Department, and government guidance in the countries of destination/travel;
  2. Travelers shall not visit or utilize the travel providers, facilities, countries, or travel programs in any travel or tour package if he/she experiences adverse medical symptoms or has a suspected or diagnosed/confirmed case of a contagious disease;
  3. Travel insurance has been considered for all medical needs and trip cancellation. However, such insurance may not cover pre-existing conditions or pandemics and it is the traveler's responsibility to verify coverage prior to departure, and;
  4. Traveler has adequate financial resources in case medical care is needed.


Avanti Destinations, as an Active Member of the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program, is required to post $1 million with USTOA to be used to reimburse, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program, the advance payments of Avanti Destinations' clients in the unlikely event of Avanti Destinations' bankruptcy, insolvency, or cessation of business. The $1 million posted by Avanti Destinations may be sufficient to provide only a partial recovery of the advance payments received by Avanti Destinations. More details of the USTOA Travelers Assistance Program and a list of affiliates may be obtained by writing to USTOA at 345 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1801, New York, NY 10001, emailing information@ustoa.com, or by visiting www.USTOA.com.


These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you, the user, and Avanti Destinations with respect to this website and supersede any and all prior agreements, in any form, between you and Avanti Destinations.

Avanti Destinations may revise these Terms of Use at any time and will publish the updated version online with no prior notice. Please review the Terms and Conditions each time you make a booking, as the current Terms of Use are binding at the time the booking is created. Please refer to Section 15. Date of Last Revision.


The following Terms of Use should be read carefully before using avantidestinations.com and book.avantidestinations.com, as use of these website signifies agreement to these Website Terms of Use. Do not use these websites if you do not agree with the Website Terms of Use. Avanti Destinations reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, update, add, or remove all or any portion of these Website Terms of Use at any time and without notice. Your continued use of these websites signifies agreement to those changes.


Avanti Destinations California Seller of Travel number: CST: 2005018.

Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), copyright owners or their authorized agents may submit a complaint of alleged copyright infringement to Avanti Destinations if they have a good-faith belief that their protected works are being infringed. Avanti Destinations will respond to all such notifications that are sent to:

Legal Department

Avanti Destinations
111 SW Columbia St.
Suite 1200
Portland, OR 97201

To be effective, the notification must be a written communication that includes: a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of a right that is allegedly infringed; identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single website are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that website; identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material; information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; a statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Upon receipt of such notification, Avanti Destinations shall promptly investigate the matter and, if appropriate, remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material.

After Avanti Destinations removes or disables access to such material, Avanti Destinations will notify the party that posted the material of its action. Such party may then provide Avanti Destinations' designated agent proper "counter-notification" stating his, her, or its authority to post the allegedly infringing material, which Avanti Destinations will forward to the alleged copyright owner. Avanti Destinations will inform the alleged copyright owner that Avanti Destinations will repost the removed material or cease disabling access to it in ten (10) to fourteen (14) business days, unless the alleged copyright owner sends a second notification to Avanti Destinations' designated agent stating that it has filed suit against the alleged infringer. An effective counter-notification must be sent to Avanti Destinations' designated agent, whose name and address are listed above. The notice must include the following information: the counter-notifying party's physical or electronic signature; identification of the material that has been removed or disabled and the location where the material was before its removal or disablement; a statement, under penalty of perjury, that the party has a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification; and the counter-notifying party's name, address, phone number, and a statement that the party consents to the jurisdiction of the federal court in its district, or, if the subscriber is foreign, it consents to any jurisdiction where AvantiDestinations.com is subject to jurisdiction, and that the subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided Avanti Destinations with notification or an agent of such a person.


December 04, 2023


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